Friday, July 23, 2010

Men's Workouts are From Mars, Women's Workouts are from Venus

I am getting very close to my 100 workouts goal and I'm very excited. When I get very excited about something, I talk about it...a lot. So Disneyland has been the topic of discussion lately. When should I go? Show I try to go next week? Should we just wait? Blah Blah Blah! A basic conversation with Byron goes like this:

Me: I'm thinking about going to Disneyland in the next little bit.
Byron: You could do that.
Me: But I'm not quite to my goal of 100 workouts yet. But if I pushed and did 3 to 4 workouts a day I could make it.
Byron: (chuckle chuckle)
Me: What was that? Why are you laughing?
Byron: Nothing!
Me: Tell me why you're laughing!
Byron: Because to me, a workout is a workout. I go to the gym, and everything I do that day is consider A workout.
Me: So you think if I set a goal of 100 workouts, that should be the same as 100 days? That would take me forever to get to Disneyland.
Byron: I'm not saying that. Go to Disneyland. I just think its weird that you divide up your workouts.

Bleh!!!!! So what do you think? Am I the crazy one? (Nevermind, don't answer that.) But honestly, as a mom, there are really hectic, bad days when all I have for myself is 30 little minutes, and 9 times out of 10, they are spent pushing a kid in a stroller. But I'm still being a mom, doing something that I love, and yet still trying to find time to take care of my body. Why then, should I be penialized for that? Should a 30 minute jog be counted as the same as a 90 minute run/cardio/abs combo?

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