I'm done having my little tantrum. Sorry about that. I must have still been a little sick and it was making me emotional. I'm better now and am ready just to start over. So I put in a new weight in my weigh-in section and I'm seeing this as a chance to start over. I've already had my first Coca-Cola glass of water. Byron is trying something new, waking up at 4 AM to go to the gym (YAWN!) and I am waking up with him to get an extra hour of things done, including my own exercise! (We'll see how long that goes!) But, the bottom line is, I'm trying again. As of today, I've lost 6 pounds. 4 more and I get my next set of rewards, another pedicure and a new hairstyle. My next question is, how do I lose those 4 pounds, when I've got this plate of cookies sitting on my counter?

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