When I started my pre-teens, my face, my thighs, and my bum chubbed out like Violet Beauregaurde, the gum chewing chick from Willy Wonka. And as any good, supportive father would, my father nicked named me "Big Bum Som." That's right. I have been "Big Bum Som" ever since. I was not obese by any means, but I always had some chub to me. I slimmed down in the last part of high school and during college. During this time, I started walking everyday. I started creating an easy habit of simple daily exercise, and though I was never super skinny, I could eat my reasonable snacks, or raid my chocolate stash, and not blow up like a balloon. Then I turned 25 and my metabolism crashed! Before I knew it, I had gone from 135 pounds to 162 pounds. Then Byron surprised me one Xmas with a Caribbean cruise in March. Say what???? You want me to walk around a boat feeling like a pig! No Way! I knew I needed to do something. So I ordered some Trim Spa (another post), started jogging instead of walking, took an extra 10 minutes to do another form of exercise, drank a ton of water, and STOPPED snacking all together. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months, and was a slim and fit little thing in time for my cruise. I felt great. I was paid compliments. I got to go shopping for my new clothes! Lots of fun!
Well, time went by. Fertility treatments began. I'm trying to be careful not to blame my weight gain on my fertility treatments, but when you are in the middle of that crap, sleep is more important than waking up at 5 AM to run, and finding comfort in a creamy dark chocolate candy bar after a progesterone in oil injection was more important than skipping that 3:30 PM snack. Well, thankfully, I became pregnant with my sweet wonderful boy Wyatt. And we all know how that pregnancy went. Nothing like creating a habit of laziness by being put on 2 months of mandatory bed rest! Surprisingly enough, I lost most of the weight after having Wyatt. I slimmed down to 133 pounds and was feeling pretty good about myself. Guess that terrible stomach flu 2 weeks after Wyatt was born was good for something! ;)
Lets move on to present day. I'm pushing 160 again. Why? I've got some thoughts. Becoming a stay at home mom with a frig to look at everyday. Eating chicken nuggets for lunch because why in the world would I make 2 separate lunches? A failed fertility treatment, not to mention 5 shots of more progesterone in oil for absolutely no reason. Being pulled in every direction for church and family obligations, so that there leaves no time for working out. And how about the big reason, I just plan don't care! :P
Problem is, I'm not comfortable in my own skin right now. The rolls of fat on my back make it uncomfortable to sit. I can feel the fat in my chubby cheeks every time I wash my face. My jackets don't fit around my arms, and I have to do that squat move after I put on my jeans to stretch out the thigh section! Its time to do something about it! Its time to lose some weight.
My goal for this blog is to journal the process. Its hard for me to see any change, especially when the scale stays the same, or worse, the number gets bigger. One post might be a rant about how hungry I am. Another might just be what my scale said that morning. I might blog about the extra 5 minutes I jogged. Or I might post about how I fell off the carb wagon. I will post goals and create time lines. I will feel comfortable in my skin again.
Since Peg is working out with Brent right now, I don't have a 'walking buddy'! Do you want to go with me??? Let me know!
ReplyDeleteI feel you, I am the fattest I have EVER BEEN! I am now heavier than my husband. I blame it on the 30-somthings and my metabolism slowing down. I got down pretty small last april like 130 but I had an IUD put in and put on 25+ lbs. I am tempted to take it out just so I can loose the weight but I haven't had a period since I had it put in so that is my conflict!! Goof for you to commit! I'm not ready yet, I just trying to love my back fat!!
ReplyDeleteSo funny, I was just going to start a weight loss blog too! Oh the up and down weight tales we all could share. Yes, I'm working my way down AGAIN too. I've even joined 2 gyms so I have NO excuses not to exercise, AND I'm going on a cruise in a month, AND I committed to do a Triathlon in August.. what the ??? Don't know what I was thinking, but this time WE CAN DO IT!!!