Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Three Random Things...
- I go though phases of what works for me. At one point, the only way I could drink 64 ounces of water each day was to have it in a cold bottled form. I'd buy the biggest case of water bottles that I could and store ALL of them on one shelf in my frig. (Told you...obessive/compulsive :P) But then I found myself gradually moving out of that phase. I'd end up finding five million half empty (or half full) bottles laying all over the place. It was gross. I had no idea how old the water was from one bottle to the next. They'd all end up filling the dogs' water dish. Then I realized "The dogs are drinking more bottled water than I am!" Well now I've discovered something new that is working obscenely well for me. Its weird. I can effortlessly drink almost all of my 64 ounces of water as long as it comes in
a glass. Not just any glass though, a Coca-Cola glass I got for free at McDonald's. Huh? It holds the same amount of water at the bottle, or as the other kind of glass sitting right next to it on the shelf. But for some reason, that Coca-Cola glass manages to get me to drink may daily amount of water without any complaint. I don't get it, but I'm accepting it.
2. I've started back on my Trim Spa. Its that supplement that Anna Nicole Smith took and lost all that weight, and then there was a big scandal because they found out she didn't really take it, and then she died (not from the Trim Spa, silly!), and then Trim Spa got sued for false advertising, and then they were forced to pay everyone who bought some an amount of money, and I got a check for like $6. But guess what? I never cashed that check. Wanna know why? Because Trim Spa worked for me! Yup! Remember back in my first post when I turned 25 and my metabolism turned on me like an evil twin, and I exploded? Trim Spa, and a good diet, and some reasonable exercise, and 3 months later, I was 30 POUNDS lighter! You can't just take the pills and lay on the couch and wait to get skinny, which is what I think people did. It didn't work, they got bitter, and did what most bitter people do...blame some one else and sue the living crap out of them. But it worked for me, and I'm hoping it'll work again. I just need to remember to take it three times a day! Here's even an interesting article I found!
3. I have rediscovered my loving for kickboxing. Basically, I have rediscovered my love for throwing punches and kicks in time to fast music. Around the time I started losing the weight last time, I had the Kindergarten Class from Hell. Don't get me wrong, we did just fine that year, and by the end of the year we all still had love for each other. But almost everyday, it was a test of my patience and devotion to teaching. Thankfully, my husband bought one of the coolest things for my birthday...a punching bag. A real one, one that hung from the beams in the ceiling and needed boxing gloves to use. I made a CD of what I called my "angry music" to listen to. To most people, angry music might be by the band Korn or Tool. My angry music was "Hit Em High" from the Space Jam soundtrack or "Humans Being" by Van Halen from the Twister soundtrack. Might be a little soft for some, but it pumped me up, errrr! Everyday, after school, I'd come home, turn on my "angry music" (errr!) and beat the leaving crap out of that punching bag. It saved the children from reintroducing capital punishment in schools, and save me a trip to jail. This time around, I discovered some kickboxing videos on Netflix and as I did one this morning, it occurred to me, "Oh yeah! I do like throwing punches! I do like kicking into the air and pretending someone was standing there!" So now I'm on a mission to Netflix every kick boxing video I can find!
Told you...random thoughts. Here's another one...I wonder how much I'll weigh tomorrow morning?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
So much for that...

That would be crazy "Octomom" with a stomach flatter than mine. I've had one kid, she's had 14. Thaaaaaaaat's just greeeattt! Excuse me while I go binge on some fudge now.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
My day...
- I actually lost a pound since yesterday :)
- Nutterbutters are of the devil :(
- I ate a large salad for lunch :)
- I had no fruit or veggie at dinner :(
- I drank 64 ounces of water :)
Monday, January 18, 2010
I lost it! I lost it!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I fell off the wagon...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I did really good!

Monday, January 11, 2010
For the record...
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Oye! What the Freak Happened?