Did ya miss me???? I miss me. You know, the me that weighed at least 140! Who knew that by adopting this healthy lifestyle and losing 20 pounds, that the Lord would bless me with becoming pregnant? We had given up on hoping that another child was in our future, and then without a single drug, hormone, or even a glance at a calendar, I was pregnant! I often joke that this was God's way of saying he has a sense of humor! He was up in Heaven saying, "I know. I'm going to wait for Sommer to lose 20 pounds, then I'll get her pregnant and make her gain it ALL back and then some! Oh, I'll let her buy that pass to Disneyland, and then she won't be able to go on any of the rides! He he he!" But you know what, if that's the price that needed to be paid to get this most wonderful, most unexpected blessing, then I'd do it all over again!
And so, here I am. I'm a lot wiser than I was after having Wyatt. Though I still want to lose weight like after having Wyatt, I really just want to feel healthy and well again. This pregnancy was hard and painful, and I struggled with being so healthy just months before, and now not being able to walk up the street without painful contractions and mental anguish that my baby would come too soon. I ran my first official mile this morning. 11:06 was my time, not too far off from the 10 minute mile I used to run. I'm not so concerned about my calories burned this time, but just focusing on the fact that I ran the whole thing, didn't die, and still felt good. It felt good to run. 5 or 10 years ago, I would have never said that!
I'm ready to get my lifestyle back...and as always, I'll be recording the journey!